Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Don't Let Your Skin Age Before You Do

Aging is one of those things people have been fighting for years. Of course, with all the trouble surrounding aging, it's no wonder a lot of people are keen on postponing it. Degenerative diseases, wrinkles, tooth loss, and balding are all part and parcel of aging. But for the most part, age shows itself in a person's skin – most commonly through liver or age spots.

Age or liver spots are flat, gray, brown, and black spots that vary in size and usually appear on the face, shoulders, and arms – in short, areas of the body that are often exposed to the sun. Despite what these spots name implies, do not think that only old people can get it. While the spots are common in people over the age of 40, they have no problem affecting those who are younger, especially if they are careless about their skin. If you are bothered by age spots or want to prevent them, here are some tips on doing so:

1.Understand what causes age or liver spots.

More than any other skin disorder, the development of age and liver spots is largely dependent on sun exposure and improper skin care. If you do not want your skin to age faster than you do, invest time and effort into these two things and you can be sure that the appearance of age spots in your skin will be delayed if they do appear at all.

2.Invest in quality sun protection.

Sun protection is more than just wearing a hat when you go out or slathering on sunscreen for a day out at the beach. You should avoid going out in the sun during peak hours where the rays are at their strongest. Peak hours are usually from 10am to 4pm. Using sunscreen is good, but you must apply it at least 30 minutes before you go out and reapply it hourly – even more if you sweat profusely. Protective clothing like long pants, shirts, and bandannas are also useful in keeping sun exposure to a minimum.

3.Practice good skin care regimen.

A good skin care regimen involves more than regular baths and face washings with soap and water. As important as reducing sun exposure is, you should also invest in cleansers that work right for your skin type. Lotions and moisturizers are also needed to keep your skin hydrated and nourished. The healthier your skin is, the least are its chances of developing age or liver spots.

4.Use medications and ointments.

If you have liver spots, the best thing to do is to stop it from spreading and prevent others from forming. There are ointments and medications like bleaching creams and retinoids that can help lighten the spots. While over-the-counter bleaching creams usually work well, a severe case of liver spots might need something stronger. You can usually get affordable ointments from online pharmacies that sell cheap prescription drugs. Just use the medication as your doctor prescribed for maximum benefit.

5.Consider other methods of lightening the spots.

With the huge advancements in skin care today, there are a variety of methods that can help you get the spots off easier. Laser therapy, dermabrasion, and chemical peel are just three of the most common treatments for liver spots. Since these procedures can be quite costly, be sure to discuss your options with your doctor.

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Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

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