Thursday, November 27, 2008

Six Ways to Treat Burns

Burns can be caused by a number of things: overexposure to the sun, too much excitement in sipping soup or a hot drink, chemical spill, and exposure to fire. Due to the number of causes, it can also be expected that burns and accidents involving burns can occur often. If you are worried about being burned or at least would like to be prepared in case you find yourself or someone in a situation where help in dealing with burns is needed, read on for tips on giving burn pain relief:

1.Remove saturated clothing in case of chemical burns.

If the burn is caused by a caustic chemical, remove items of clothing from the victim that has come to contact the chemical. Not doing so can cause the chemical to spread to other parts of the body and increase the damage.

2.Soak affected areas in cold water.

Although most people think that using an ice compress immediately on the burned surface is more practical, its extremely low temperature can further irritate the damaged skin. Instead, soak the affected area in cold water to provide gradual and temporary relief from the stinging and stop the burn from spreading.

3.Apply lavender oil to the burn.

Although it is more popular for its use in aromatherapy and as first aid for insect bites, lavender oil can also soothe burned skin. Slather on generous amounts of lavender oil on the burned surface to relieve the stinging and protect the exposed inner layer of the skin from infection.

4.Use aloe vera gel to soothe burned skin.

If you are outdoors and suffering from sunburn, you can use aloe vera gel to soothe the affected areas. Break off the stalk from an aloe vera plant and split it in half to get the gel inside. Apply this gel on the burned skin to cool it and soothe the stinging. In addition to this comforting coolness, aloe vera gel stimulates blood flow and proper circulation on the burn area which promotes cell renewal and speeds up healing.

5.Place cold tea bags on the burn for a comforting compress.

Black and green teas are known for their antioxidants but, they are also good for cooling sunburns. Just dip a tea bag in cold water and place it on the burn for a cooling fix. Aside from providing relief, the antioxidants in the teas help in fighting off infections.

6.Mix a vinegar solution and splash onto sunburned areas.

For sunburns, a vinegar solution is another handy homemade remedy. Mix equal parts of vinegar and cold water to create a solution. Splash or bathe the sunburned skin with this solution to cool it and prevent infection. Although any kind of vinegar may be used, apple cider vinegar is deemed best.

Burns can be painful and cause unsightly scarring if not treated properly. If the burns cover a large area and are causing you or the afflicted person severe pain, medical help should be immediately called to attention. It is also imperative to ask your doctor about techniques to reduce the scarring and care for the wound during recovery.

Resource Box:

Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Why Organic Skin Care Works

The term “organic” connotes food manufactured exactly the way Mother Nature intended. Pure and untampered, it contains none of the man-made synthetic products; such as pesticides, fertilizers, insecticides, and other poisonous substances. From these natural organic materials (flowers, fruits, buds, herbs, etc.) come the current melange of skin and hair care cosmetics, boasting of the best results sans the adverse side effects caused by chemicals commonly used therein.

Hence, it is not the least bit surprising that organic skin care products are all the rage these days. Touted as one of the most promising areas in the beauty industry, organic skin care makes use of only certified organic materials. It does not include even genetically modified formulations or any other substance relative to it. If a product claims to contain a specified amount of organic material in it, it should remain true to its word.

How most skin care products work

It has been suspected that most skin care products we see on the market these days contain hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, and carcinogens. Even the fragrances used for them are considered to be allergenic for some individuals. According to studies, if a woman uses a range of skin care products on her body on a daily basis, she applies an estimated 200 chemicals on her skin. In addition, research has found out that 60% of these chemicals are imbibed into the bloodstream. Thus, it is no wonder why complains regarding adverse or allergic reactions to these products are currently on the rise. It is a probability that these skin conditions were either brought about or worsened by the use of these skin care products making use of synthetic ingredients.

What most skin care products use

Majority of the synthetic products out on the market necessitate bacteriacides and preservatives to keep them from becoming contaminated by other elements. It has been determined that some of these preservatives take out minute amounts of formaldehyde, which is not only a skin irritant, but also a neurotoxin and carcinogen.

Wetting agents in the forms of diethanolamine or triethanolamine are said to be included in the contents of most skin care products, both natural and those manufactured by popular brands. At times indicated on labels to be in attached to other compounds like cocamide, diethanolamine, and triethanolamine are abbreviated as DEA and TEA accordingly. Neither of these two agents are considered carcinogenic. However, should nitirite be present in some products, these could cause a chemical reaction. This in turn results to the creation of nitrosamines, most of which are deemed carcinogenic.

Why organic skin care benefits us

Conspicuously, the most prominent reason why organic skin care works well for most of us is that we do not get to absorb any of the harmful chemical most non-organic products contain. The ingredients used in organic skin care are planted and cultivated in a manner that it does not require the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. This method is called the “organic way of farming”.

Using organic skin care products does not only benefit us, but it also poses a lot of advantages to our environment. The organic farming method utilized for cultivating the ingredients used in these products has been proven to be friendly to all living things found in our natural environment.

Resource Box:

Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What Makes Sensitive Skin Sensitive?

The “do's” and the “dont's” are of utmost importance if you have sensitive skin. Easily triggered should you be crazy enough to turn a blind eye to the “dont's”, consequences of a very physical nature would immediately manifest. In the end, your regret for outright disobedience would not be the only obvious thing written all over your face. Expect much more than emotion to become visible on your skin.

However, the good thing about it is that you are not the only one with sensitive skin. Affecting millions of people worldwide, statistics revealed that around 51% of women and 38% of men have sensitive skin. It is basically a type of skin alongside normal, dry, oily, and combination. Characteristics of sensitive skin cover a wide range starting from small portuberances with itching, down to easy reddening of the skin.

You know that having a sensitive skin can be a burden. At times, it can even be a pain, literally. Nevertheless, it should not be a problem given that you steer clear of the things and factors that trigger the sensitivity of your already sensitive skin. As was previously mentioned, strict observation of the specific “do's” and “dont's” are imperative if you do not want to look like a funny tomato walking around with a human torso. So before you decide to have your time in the sun and expose yourself to its lethal ultraviolet rays for the entire day, maybe you ought to consider the following pointers about the causes of skin sensitivity:

  • Heat coming from other sources or the sun itself can set off your skin's sensitivity. Moreover, sunburn is a well-known irritant to your type of skin.

  • Do not let your skin come in contact with fabrics made of wool or the latex material normally used for making surgical or household gloves. These may cause allergic reactions that could take a considerable amount of time to heal or go away.

  • Using skin care cream or lotion containing preservatives like paraben can irritate sensitive skin.

  • Certain foods can trigger your skin's sensitivity. However, the specific kinds of food vary on a case to case basis. If you have experienced reddening or allergic reactions upon eating a specific food item, avoid it totally.

  • Excessively low temperatures and even windburn can set off sensitive skin.
  • Stress is also another factor.

  • Specific medications that you use can also irritate sensitive skin.

  • The following procedures can set off the skins' sensitivity: laser treatment, dermabrasion, chemical peels, shaving, and waxing.

  • Avoid powder cosmetics.

  • Never use expired make up products. Ditch them right away.

  • Steer clear of waterproof cosmetics. They are known to cause problems to sensitive skin.

  • Make sure that the cosmetics you use contain no more than 10 ingredients. If the content's number is beyond this, it is liable to cause problems for sensitive skin.

  • Soap tends to dry the skin. So make sure that you use a moisturizing variety.
  • Rigorous exercise and/or physical exertions can set off sensitive skin.

  • Fragrances, color, and surfactants used for cosmetics can also trigger problems.

  • Using sunscreen with para-aminobenzoic acid and an SPF rating of over 20 are known to trigger the skin's sensitivity.

Resource Box:

Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tips on Caring for Acne-Prone Skin

Acne is one of the many skin problems experienced by people. According to statistics, almost 17 million Americans are affected by acne - 85% of which belonging to the age range of 12-24 years old. While there are a lot of over-the-counter acne products and skin care lines available today, a lot of people still resort to misinformed ways of acne skincare like the following:

Frequent face washing

Since excess oil and dirt are among the causes of acne, some people have this misguided notion that frequently washing one's face can prevent and treat acne. However, this is not the case. Doing so only worsens acne since the skin is stripped off protective lipids which can make it sensitive, dry, and prone to irritations.


Toothpaste has antiseptic properties which can cause a pimple to dry out. However, while applying toothpaste to acne may be effective to some, it can cause greater damage to others especially if applied for over time. Toothpaste can dry out surrounding areas and “burn” pimple spots which can lead to discolorations.

Sun exposure

Probably one of the most idiotic acne myth to surface, some people swear by this. However, sun exposure can only lead to one thing: skin damage. Tans and darker skin tones only hide or camouflage acne but a closer look and touch will reveal bumps and zits. This can make the acne situation worse since sun exposure can make one's skin dry, flaky, discolored, and extra-sensitive.

While the above-described methods may work for some people, they come with risks of worse skin health. If you want to get rid of your acne healthily, professional assistance is still necessary for effective treatment of severe acne. A dermatologist can help treat acne better than skin care specialists at spas or skin clinics. Here is why:

Accurate diagnosis

Acne can come in several forms: whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. However, there are also skin conditions that look similar to acne but are totally different. One example is the skin condition called keratosis pilaris that is manifested by tiny bumps much like whiteheads. A dermatologist can tell a patient whether the problem is really acne or just an acne-like condition.


Dermatologists take time to discuss patients’ medical history, diet, and other factors which may have contributed to the development of acne. This way, patients get informed on how their skin conditions came to be. As such, they are able to avoid activities that can worsen their acne.

More savings

Since a dermatologist can provide patients with a correct and accurate diagnosis, the risks of wasting money on ineffective and inappropriate treatment are eliminated. As such, patients do not have to spend on extra dermatologist visits to correct treatment mistakes.

Whether you decide on seeking professional acne skincare help or using over-the-counter acne products, some health skin habits come in handy when dealing with acne:

* Stick to skincare products that are specific to your skin type.
* Wash your face for a maximum of two times a day to relieve it of excess oil and dirt.
* Moisturize using products suitable for your skin type even if you think that you are oily.
* Stop picking on your zits and pimples to avoid scarring.

Resource Box:

Kristine Anne Gonzaga is a content writer and researcher who specializes in health topics and health-related issues. She delights in finding tips and ideas on simple and practical healthcare and sharing them through her writing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Helpful Food/Beverage Tips for Acne-Prone Skin

Acne can be a very embarrassing situation capable of decreasing the quality of our life. Even if we have been told time and time again that looks do not count as much as personality, still, we cannot help but fret and worry if something tarnishes our appearance, or worse, we catch people's attention in a negative way. Being recognized for one's physical beauty is something all of us can appreciate, but to be recognized the other way around is definitely nothing worth aspiring for. Thus, attending to our acne-prone skin is not only a means of achieving healthy skin. It is also a kind of image skin care intended to boost our self-esteem and confidence that are automatically depleted once we have acne.

Nevertheless, caring for acne-prone skin is not entirely reliant on the process we undertake, which covers only the external aspects. Remember the saying, “We are what we eat”? This does not only hold true for our general health, but it is also applicable to the condition of our skin.

Indeed, the kinds of food that we regularly consume play an important role in the appearance and condition of our skin. If we are dead serious about battling the ever popular disgusting skin condition known as acne, we would have a better advantage if we do it both ways: from the inside out as well as from the outside in. Below are some important pointers that could serve as our food/beverage guide in our fight against acne.

* Keep our consumption of fats, sugars, and oils to a minimum. Better yet, banish these from your diet if we can. However, before we do so, we should consult your physician first for any underlying condition that could be affected.

More often than not, if majority of the foods we eat on a daily basis have a high content of fats, sugars, and oils, these would adversely affect our skin condition. There have been several reports on people experiencing breakouts after eating junk food or common fast food fare. This is due to the high content of fats, oils, and sugars of these foods. The technique is to replace these foods with healthier choices. Doing so would not only benefit your skin, but would also do wonders for your overall health and well-being.

* Indulge in organic foods.

A lot of people have noted serious changes when they changed their diet to include organic foods like fresh fruits and vegetables untouched by pesticides or chemicals. Besides, the fact that they are natural foods untampered with the use of any kind of preservatives makes them doubly healthy and beneficial to your skin.

* Take vitamin and mineral supplements.

Most of us do not take all the necessitated vitamins and minerals we should have on a daily basis. For this reason, taking vitamin and mineral supplements can be very helpful to our personal health routine. Nevertheless, bear in mind that there is a need for us to consult a certified healthcare professional prior to taking any of these medications. This is to ascertain that we have no underlying condition that may be affected adversely should we take them. Also, they would be the one to stipulate the proper dosage that would be most helpful for us.

* Make sure we are well hydrated.

Since time immemorial, we have been informed of the benefits of downing at least eight glasses or more of water daily. Not drinking the proper amount of water our body needs every day is easily manifested through the our skin's state. Dull, gray, and dry skin are obvious signs of lack of hydration. So the only way to deal with this is by imbibing clean water. This would not only serve our skin's needs, but also the needs of our other body organs.

Resource Box:

Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Best Skin Care Ingredients for Mature Skin

Ask a woman any question you can possibly come up with save for one: her age. As much as we hate to admit it, most women are indeed horrified of the idea of growing old. Probably, the same thing goes for men too, but the aspect of fear that goes with aging is never as strong as it is with women. It is not exactly the idea of maturity that inspires fear but the inevitable physical aging process that comes with it. The formation of those undesirable wrinkles and fine lines supposedly signifying wisdom also means the loss of our skin's elasticity and youth. The accumulation of cellulite in our tummies, arms, and hips (they sometimes come naturally after giving birth), which were once glorified as the ideal of beauty and fertility ages ago, are now despised and ridiculed. And as much as we hate to acknowledge it, most people think that the more a woman ages, the more she recedes into the backseat of beauty standards.

But thanks to the advent of modern technology and the latest advancements in skin care research. Growing old nowadays can be retarded with the use of a variety of beautifying and anti-aging concoctions, which are widely acclaimed by skin care product reviews worldwide. Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and good attitude, these products would not only diminish those etch marks of aging on our faces, but they can also stave them off. These products contain special ingredients that are confirmed to work wonders on our skin. Let us learn a few things about them.

* Retinoids
Justify Full
Retinol is another term for Vitamin A. Retinoids are derivatives of this nutrient. Apart from being used as treatment for cancer, Retinoids are also used for addressing the following skin disorders: aging skin, freckles, sun damage, age spots, acne, and psoriasis. This substance is used in a variety of skin formulations; it has been proven to work well with aging skin. They work by turning over the skin cells after permeating deep into it. This results to a renewal of the dermis and an increase in the production of collagen. However, some users may encounter adverse effects like burning feeling, itching, skin irritation, redness, and peeling.

* Humectants

Substances capable of absorbing air-borne moisture are referred to as humectants. Widely used in many skin care products for their moisturizing properties, they can prevent water loss in the skin. Thus, keeping lines and wrinkles from forming.

* Lipids

Lipids are water soluble fats that compose 10-20% of the skin's topmost layer. They function to keep some substances such as drugs, germs, and some chemicals from permeating deep into the skin. Also, they decrease water loss, keeping the skin from getting dehydrated. Ceramides and liposomes are the two most popular formulations making use of lipids.

* Peptides

Peptides are small chains of amino acids popularly used in most skin care products, for it decreases the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Promoting skin regeneration, high concentrations are necessitated for peptides to work effectively.

* Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Derived from food products(citrus fruits, grapes, milk, etc.), Alpha Hydroxy Acids or AHA work to exfoliate skin, making it shed dead skin cells. This improves the texture of the skin. As a consequence; skin becomes smoother, softer, more even-toned, and younger in appearance. Research indicates that only minimal concentration is required for AHA's to work effectively.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Men's Skin vs. Women's Skin

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. This literary illustration of the difference between men and women points out to the disparity between their ways of thinking, feeling, and manner of perception. However, it does not end there. Even the structures of their skins are unequal. And with this clarified, it only follows that you and your boyfriend/husband cannot share the same skin care products. And if you are a guy who has a habit of using whatever product your girlfriend/wife is using for herself, don't you think it's about time you start getting your own stuff to meet your own needs?

For many years now, the concentration of most beauty and hygiene products are women. Cosmetics companies have already created a very wide selection of beauty concoctions to meet the needs and wants of women when it comes to their skin. Vanity and beauty are attributes typically related to women. Nevertheless, caring for our skin is not entirely due to vanity but it also has a great deal to do with proper hygiene and good health. Good thing that skin care companies nowadays have finally realized that men too have to concentrate on the needs of their own skin. To better understand the differences between the structures of men's and women's skin, let us take a look at these pointers:

Basic Facts

Based on thickness, men's skin is 20% thicker than women's. It is also firmer since it contains a higher level of elastin and collagen. This works to their advantage, for it makes them less prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles. As differentiated from women's skin, men's skin tend to have bigger pores, more active but smaller oil glands (also known as sebaceous glands), and more blood supply. By and large, men's skin sweats more easily and is oilier, thus, their skin tends to become dirtier than women's.

As men age, their skin thickness decreases by 1% annually. Aside from this, their skin is also more vulnerable. Although this may seem unlikely given their image and all that, there are several good reasons why this is so. For one, unlike women, most men have never been conscious of their skin. This lack of consciousness led them to neglect its needs. Besides, they are also more exposed to the negative environmental factors. But most of all, the fragility of their skin is due to their predilection for shaving. Shaving on a day-to-day basis causes the destruction of their hydrolipidic film, responsible for lubricating and protecting the skin.

Basic Needs

The most primary need of men's skin is deep-cleansing. Since their skin becomes dirtier, daily cleansing is a must in their routine. Although men have an advantage because their skin does not age as fast as women's, they still need to use products specifically made for their skin type because these are created with their specific needs in mind. Those that should become staples are aftershave lotion for their specific skin type and a moisturizer with SPF to help protect their skin from the damaging rays of the sun. Although no adverse effects have been reported with regards to the men's use of women's skin products, it is still better for them to acquire and use their own products because women's products may not have what it takes to address their specific needs.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Skin Care Ingredients for Mature Skin

Ask a woman any question you can possibly come up with save for one: her age. As much as we hate to admit it, most women are indeed horrified of the idea of growing old. Probably, the same thing goes for men too, but the aspect of fear that goes with aging is never as strong as it is with women. It is not exactly the idea of maturity that inspires fear but the inevitable physical aging process that comes with it. The formation of those undesirable wrinkles and fine lines supposedly signifying wisdom also means the loss of our skin's elasticity and youth. The accumulation of cellulite in our tummies, arms, and hips (they sometimes come naturally after giving birth), which were once glorified as the ideal of beauty and fertility ages ago, are now despised and ridiculed. And as much as we hate to acknowledge it, most people think that the more a woman ages, the more she recedes into the backseat of beauty standards.

But thanks to the advent of modern technology and the latest advancements in skin care research. Growing old nowadays can be retarded with the use of a variety of beautifying and anti-aging concoctions, which are widely acclaimed by skin care product reviews worldwide. Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and good attitude, these products would not only diminish those etch marks of aging on our faces, but they can also stave them off. These products contain special ingredients that are confirmed to work wonders on our skin. Let us learn a few things about them.

* Retinoids

Retinol is another term for Vitamin A. Retinoids are derivatives of this nutrient. Apart from being used as treatment for cancer, Retinoids are also used for addressing the following skin disorders: aging skin, freckles, sun damage, age spots, acne, and psoriasis. This substance is used in a variety of skin formulations; it has been proven to work well with aging skin. They work by turning over the skin cells after permeating deep into it. This results to a renewal of the dermis and an increase in the production of collagen. However, some users may encounter adverse effects like burning feeling, itching, skin irritation, redness, and peeling.

* Humectants

Substances capable of absorbing air-borne moisture are referred to as humectants. Widely used in many skin care products for their moisturizing properties, they can prevent water loss in the skin. Thus, keeping lines and wrinkles from forming.

* Lipids

Lipids are water soluble fats that compose 10-20% of the skin's topmost layer. They function to keep some substances such as drugs, germs, and some chemicals from permeating deep into the skin. Also, they decrease water loss, keeping the skin from getting dehydrated. Ceramides and liposomes are the two most popular formulations making use of lipids.

* Peptides

Peptides are small chains of amino acids popularly used in most skin care products, for it decreases the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Promoting skin regeneration, high concentrations are necessitated for peptides to work effectively.

* Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Derived from food products(citrus fruits, grapes, milk, etc.), Alpha Hydroxy Acids or AHA work to exfoliate skin, making it shed dead skin cells. This improves the texture of the skin. As a consequence; skin becomes smoother, softer, more even-toned, and younger in appearance. Research indicates that only minimal concentration is required for AHA's to work effectively.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Beneficial Ingredients for Good Skin

One of the secrets to acquiring beautiful, flawless skin is through the use of appropriate skin care products and treatments suited for your specific skin type and condition. Having smooth, flawless skin is tantamount to having self-confidence. Thus, taking care of our skin is essential to keep it at its prime. So we would be assured of not only looking good on the outside, but also of a better defense against the external harmful elements that threaten us. However, if you have blemished skin, you would be inclined to feel conscious of your physical appearance. Half the time, the kinds of products we use are to blame for this condition. For this reason, we should really practice caution in selecting the products we use on our skin.

Knowledge of the contents of these products automatically gives you the upper hand. With the vast melange of skincare products being offered in the market these days, it is very easy to fall into the trap of using the wrong ones that could do more harm than good to your skin. Do not be duped by fancy packaging or brand popularity. Neither a good marketing campaign nor steep prices could guarantee the effectiveness of any skincare product. The best way for you to determine if they work well with your skin or not is by looking at the ingredients written on their labels.

Not every promising ingredient used on skin care products could be good for everyone's skin. What works for a few individuals may not necessarily work for you. For all you know, you could be allergic to some of them. Once these ingredients turn out to be incompatible with your skin, they become irritants, causing blemishes and break outs as a result. Hence, you should be wary of the nature of these ingredients as well as your skin's probable reaction to them.

Helpful Skincare Product Ingredients

* Keratin

Keratin is considered as one of the most vital ingredients used in many skin treatments and even hair products. A kind of insoluble protein derived from animals, it is a component found in the hair, skin, and nails. It is used to grow collagen and elastin. Taken from sheep wool, Keratin is known for its capacity to rejuvenate the skin by retarding its aging process.

* Coenzyme Q10

An enzyme located in every cell, Coenzyme Q10 maintains the energy level in the cells. However, exposure to UV rays can sap these enzymes. Thus, we are required to obtain them from skin treatments.

* Retin A and Isotrenoin

Retin A and Isotrenoin creams are very efficient when it comes to the removal of dead skin cells. Also, they can keep pimples at bay, and they also work well in unclogging the pores of impurities. In particular, Isotrenoin is used in topical skincare creams used to regulate oil glands that are active. But despite the advantageous effects of these ingredients, they also have adverse effects, such as liver damage and birth defects. So before you use products containing them, it is best if you obtain medical advice first. It is also best to practice caution, especially when you are using them for a long period of time.

* Phytoessence Wakame

A kelp popularly used in Japanese skin care products, Phytoessence Wakame contains large concetrations of calcium, iron, and other minerals that are vital in maintaining the firmness and moisture of the skin. Widely acclaimed for its youth-enhancing and beautifying components, it has adequate amounts of vitamin B complex that do not only combat skin aging, but is also responsible for treating some skin problems.

Resource Box: Maricel Modesto is a writer and editor who writes for various health and lifestyle magazines.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Skin Care Guide For Aging Skin

When it comes to aging, you cannot really stop having birthdays as years pass. But you can surely do something about keeping your skin younger and healthier looking even as you age.

The skin can be considered a very important part of the body, for this can protect us from harmful rays of the sun as well as with other external factors. However as you age, the skin looses some of this elastin and collagen. While this a natural cycle, you can still do something about keeping your skin younger looking. All it takes is proper aging skin care regimen for you to have a beautiful skin that looks many years younger.

The following are some tips on how to make your skin look younger than ever even as you age:

1. Enough sleep is a must.

To keep your skin from aging fast, try to get eight hours of sleep each day. To help you achieve an eight-hour sleep, avoid drinking coffee several hours before hitting the sheets for this can keep you up and active.

2. Eat and drink right.

Try to have and maintain a daily diet that is full of carbohydrates and proteins. Some nutritionists even suggests that it is better to eat small meals several times within the day than just eating a few full and big ones. Also, make sure to always and always drink eight glasses of water daily. Eating and drinking right can do wonders to your skin.

3. Exercising is good.

Exercising is a good way of relieving yourself from stress. If you're too much stressed, this can reflect on your skin. Simple exercise routines daily such as jogging, walking, as well as swimming can do the trick.

4. Pampering is necessary.

Sometimes, it is okay to treat yourself once in a while. Pamper your skin by going to a spa that offers skin care treatments. You will not only get to have your skin pampered, buy you will surely have a grand time with at the spa as well. Definitely a perfect way to treat your skin and have a relaxing time.

Furthermore, proper skin care is also important in keeping your skin from early signs of aging. Below are steps on how to properly take care of your skin and delay signs of aging:

1. Apply sunscreen everyday when you go out.

This way, you can protect your skin from age spots and wrinkles. You can also try using face lotions or foundations that has an SPF level of at least 15.

2. Lessen over-exposure to the sun.

When you go out during a sunny day, make sure to wear long-sleeved shirt and hat, for these can shield you from the harmful rays of the sun.

3. Check the ingredients of your skin care and beauty products.

As you shop for skin care and beauty products, avoid products that contain irritating ingredients like fragrances, extracts, and botanicals.

4. Regularly apply a moisturizer.

It is a must for you to always moisturize your face during cold and dry weather if you want to keep it wrinkle free and young looking.

Resource Box:

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Caring For Your Sensitive Skin Care

Sensitive skin is commonly described to skin who has allergic reactions to skin care or beauty product. This type of skin type also easily develops responses to external environmental factors such as foods or plants.

If you happen to have sensitive skin, do not worry. You are not the only one. See, almost half of the world's entire population has sensitive skin. You'll know that you have sensitive skin if you have the following symptoms showing on your skin: skin irritation to make-up or household products; dry reaction to certain soap bars; breakouts; as well as irritation caused by too much stress.
Now, to help you in caring for your skin type, the following are sensitive skin care tips that you can practice in caring for your skin:

1. Regularly cleanse your face with a soap and perfume-free moisturizing product. When shopping for skin care products, go for the ones that are especially made for sensitive skin.

2. Regularly moisturize your face using a light, fragrance-free moisturizer product. Avoid buying and using thick cream moisturizing products, for these will clog the pores once applied.

3. Always use a mild soap for your body while taking a bath. Refrain from using non-antibacterial soap products. Such products can dry out and irritate your skin.

4. Only use silicone-based foundation or cosmetic products. As for sensitive skin type, using makeup products without chemicals is a must. The American Academy of Dermatology has set a standard that cosmetic products that are safe to use by those with sensitive skin should contain of not less than 10 ingredients.

5. Always apply a fragrance-free sunscreen lotion on your skin everyday when you go out. Re-apply as often as necessary, especially if you are going out for a swim. Also in going out, try wearing a wide-brimmed hat as protection for your face.
Moreover, you can also do something about strengthening your sensitive skin. This way, you can avoid further irritations and redness. Strengthening your sensitive skin is important if you aim to achieve a stronger and healthier skin.

The following guides can help in further strengthening your skin:

1.Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin B-complex. Also take supplements for these will surely help in making your skin healthier and smoother.

2.Practice meditations or yoga during your free time. This can definitely relieve you from stress. Stress does not give anything good to your body. Stress can only cause you more irritations and breakouts.

3.Regularly consult a dermatologist if you develop skin conditions that need immediate medical attention like severe acne or eczema. If you fail to do so, such conditions will only add up to your worries of having a sensitive skin.

Having healthy skin is something that everyone wants to have and maintain. However, keeping our skin that way is not always easy, especially for complicated skin types like sensitive skin. But if you diligently follow the tips provided and expounded above, you can then say goodbye to all your sensitive skin care worries.

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Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.