Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Skin Care Guide For Aging Skin

When it comes to aging, you cannot really stop having birthdays as years pass. But you can surely do something about keeping your skin younger and healthier looking even as you age.

The skin can be considered a very important part of the body, for this can protect us from harmful rays of the sun as well as with other external factors. However as you age, the skin looses some of this elastin and collagen. While this a natural cycle, you can still do something about keeping your skin younger looking. All it takes is proper aging skin care regimen for you to have a beautiful skin that looks many years younger.

The following are some tips on how to make your skin look younger than ever even as you age:

1. Enough sleep is a must.

To keep your skin from aging fast, try to get eight hours of sleep each day. To help you achieve an eight-hour sleep, avoid drinking coffee several hours before hitting the sheets for this can keep you up and active.

2. Eat and drink right.

Try to have and maintain a daily diet that is full of carbohydrates and proteins. Some nutritionists even suggests that it is better to eat small meals several times within the day than just eating a few full and big ones. Also, make sure to always and always drink eight glasses of water daily. Eating and drinking right can do wonders to your skin.

3. Exercising is good.

Exercising is a good way of relieving yourself from stress. If you're too much stressed, this can reflect on your skin. Simple exercise routines daily such as jogging, walking, as well as swimming can do the trick.

4. Pampering is necessary.

Sometimes, it is okay to treat yourself once in a while. Pamper your skin by going to a spa that offers skin care treatments. You will not only get to have your skin pampered, buy you will surely have a grand time with at the spa as well. Definitely a perfect way to treat your skin and have a relaxing time.

Furthermore, proper skin care is also important in keeping your skin from early signs of aging. Below are steps on how to properly take care of your skin and delay signs of aging:

1. Apply sunscreen everyday when you go out.

This way, you can protect your skin from age spots and wrinkles. You can also try using face lotions or foundations that has an SPF level of at least 15.

2. Lessen over-exposure to the sun.

When you go out during a sunny day, make sure to wear long-sleeved shirt and hat, for these can shield you from the harmful rays of the sun.

3. Check the ingredients of your skin care and beauty products.

As you shop for skin care and beauty products, avoid products that contain irritating ingredients like fragrances, extracts, and botanicals.

4. Regularly apply a moisturizer.

It is a must for you to always moisturize your face during cold and dry weather if you want to keep it wrinkle free and young looking.

Resource Box:

Rcon Franchesca V. Pascua is a web content writer and researcher who specializes in health and fitness topics. She enjoys reading health-related features and articles and sharing what she learns by providing tips and guidelines on how to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

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